EXCEL-LENT Technological Tool for Enhancement of Quality Learning in Network Analysis

Research PaperAuthor: Dattaraj Vidyasagar International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology for Enhancing Quality of Science Education at Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Shivaji Nagar, Pune (India) 26-27 Feb, 2015 The research paper of Vidyasagar Sir (our expert faculty), (EXCEL-LENT Technological Tool for Enhancement of Quality Learning in Network Analysis) published in International […]

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Temperature dependence of drift and mobility characteristics of electrons

Research PaperAuthor: Dattaraj VidyasagarVidyasagar Academy2014-03-20 Abstract: When it comes to the mobility and drift factors of electrons, the electronics configuration of silicon has to be taken into consideration. The 3s-levels (all having same energy) in all N number of atoms, will have 2N number of electrons. But the 3p-levels (all having same energy), in all […]

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