Learn Arduino UNO Robotics with Programming & Practicals

Workshop Date: every month
Workshop Duration: 
05 Days on WhatsApp Group
Workshop content: 
12+ Full Practical Video Lectures (you can watch the lectures and do practice as per your own free time)
Workshop Time: 
08:30 AM daily
The course runs on WhatsApp Group. So you can learn each day prerecorded video lectures in your free time…! 
Difficulty sessions upto 05 days, daily 01 hour @5PM on Whatsapp group
Registration Fees: 
864+ participants already enrolled in our first batch!
Register Now for Free!


The perfect workshop to learn Arduino UNO Programming. Become a master to write your own programs for your own idea and a variety of projects.

Check the elaborately designed content with video lectures containing full practical demos.

What you will learn?

  1. Basics of C & C++ and coding details of Arduino
  2. Rules of variables, data type, character set in C & C++ languages
  3. Details of Human Comments, Linking a file in the program, Definition Section, Global Declarations
  4. Use of keywords, functions, body of Arduino programs
  5. What are void setup() function & void loop () function?
  6. Basic commands in Arduino programming Complete connection details of Arduino UNO Dev. Board
  7. Installation process of Arduino Software – IDE
  8. Structure of Arduino Program or Coding
  9. How to write a program for your own projects & ideas?
  10. How to use sensors and make their connections in a project?
  11. How to use breadboard for complicated connections?
  12. Complete connection details of Arduino UNO Dev. Board
  13. How to control LEDs using Arduino?
  14. How to control servo motor with Arduino?
  15. How to use LCD display in an Arduino project?
  16. Simultaneous simulation method of Arduino in AVR Environment
  17. Direct I/O PORT Register Addressing (DPRA) Technique
  18. LCD Display project with Arduino
  19. Servo motor controlling system
  20. Controlling of servo using mapping techniques
  21. Ultrasonic distance measurement system
  22. DTMF Home Automation System
  23. Real time temperature measurement system
  24. Controlling servo motor using potentiometers for Robotic arm project

You will need the kit…

We supply the complete kit of Arduino for this course. You will have to buy it from following link of our online store. When you will receive the kit, we shall start the course.

Buy Kit

National Level EDP for Teachers & Students: Learn 8051 Microcontroller Real Programming is coming soon…

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