The inside of 9V PP3 Battery

Our students of 4th and 5th standard, viz. Atmaja Raut & Arjun Chitlange, were very curious to know what is the inside structure of a 9V PP3 battery.

So we conducted an experiment to open a 9V PP3 battery systematically so that the inner structure of the battery will be visible and the students will know how the battery works.

See the photographs below. We actually cut the outer cover the battery and exposed its inner structure. We found that there are actually 6 cells of 1.5V each stacked in such a way that the 6 cells of 1.5V each are connected in series, as shown in the photograph.

This is the reason that the battery gives less current and high voltage, becasue its 6 cells of 1.5V each are connected in series. Therefore the internal resistance of the battery becomes more and hence its output current is less.

Observe the 6 compartments shown in the close up view of the internal structure of the battery. Some important statistical information is given by rfcafe, which did the same experiment.

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