Join our Google Classroom

Vidyasagar Academy has started LEARNING AT HOME EVENT for our students, under our e-Pathshala Website Portal. Join our XII Standard Electronics Google classroom and get expert online coaching. XII Standard Computer Science and XII Standard IT (Science Stream) online/offline coaching is also available. You will also learn complete practicals in online/offline batches. How to join […]

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12th Electronics Crossword Puzzles

A new method to learn the topics of 12th electronics subject and make your exam preparation very very strong. Why you must solve these puzzles?These puzzles will increase your vocabulary in the subject.Help you to learn the correct definition of the word or term used in the puzzle. Helps you learn the correct spellings of […]

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The inside of 9V PP3 Battery

Our students of 4th and 5th standard, viz. Atmaja Raut & Arjun Chitlange, were very curious to know what is the inside structure of a 9V PP3 battery. So we conducted an experiment to open a 9V PP3 battery systematically so that the inner structure of the battery will be visible and the students will […]

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