DIY Projects

These are the DIY i.e Do it Yourself Projects which you can construct on your own by taking help and regular guidance from Vidyasagar Academy. For detailed instructions, circuit diagram, program or code, working, parts list, etc.

Learn with fun at Vidyasagar Academy…!

All these following projects are constructed and fully tested by number of students of Vidyasagar Academy.

You can also get the complete kit of each of the projects given below from Vidyasagar Academy at a very low cost. For more details, contact us.

Come! Join us and acquire the skill of building innovative projects in electronics and advanced microcontroller systems.

Simple Electronics Projects

  1. Clap switch using transistors – control on/off switching of an appliance with your clap
  2. Burglar alarm using transistor and reed relay switch – detect the presence of intruder in your secured area like home, office, business place
  3. Street light controlling system to avoid electricity wastage – very useful project for social welfare
  4. Flashing light system – useful project to create strobe light effect in traffic lights system
  5. Traffic light controlling system – fully functional system for 4 roads, can be extended for more roads meeting at the square
  6. Code lock security system – use a number pad with password to open a door like your home, garage or a shop
  7. Mobile controlled home appliances (without microcontroller) – control 4 appliances at your home from your mobile
  8. Burglar alarm system – secure your home, business place with the help of this circuit
  9. Automatic garden watering system system to avoid water wastage – forget to water your garden manually.
  10. Automatic water level controlling system – easy to construct and use.
  11. Electronic harmonium – produce all musical notes C D E F G A B in different octaves.
  12. Remote controlled home appliances – control 4 appliances in your home, shop or business place from remote control
  13. Wind direction indicator using simple transistor circuit – useful project for fields and agricultural applications
  14. Mains power supply resumption alarm – produces an alert when mains power supply resumes. Avoids the confusion of inverter supply and mains supply problems
  15. Sanguinoscope – predict the blood group of progeny by knowing the maternal and paternal blood groups
  16. DC motor speed controlling system – control the speed of DC motors in your application like cars, fans, etc.
  17. Mobile amplifier to listen to music in loud sound – listen to the music played in your mobile in loud sound. Impress your friends…!
  18. Basin tap controlling system to avoid the wastage of water – water will be poured only when you hold your hands below the basin tap.
  19. Life long Incandescent lamp using simple diode circuit – increase the life of any bulb in your house.
  20. Soldering iron temperature controlled system – soldering station
  21. Multipurpose timer alarm project – it has infinite applications
  22. Electronics Tanpura – generate perfect background sound of tanpura for classical vocal or music (Patented Project under Vidyasagar Academy)
  23. Automatic period bell – useful circuit for automated period bell in school/colleges.

Advanced Projects using Microcontroller Circuits

  1. Digital temperature indicator – construct your own electronic thermometer at home
  2. Automatic temperature controlled fan – useful for the furnace temperature controlling applications
  3. Automatic emergency light – avoid the problem of dark when power supply fails
  4. Mobile controlled appliances – control 10 different appliances at home, office, business place from anywhere in the world
  5. Infrared robbery alarm with timer – secure your home, office, business place, go-downs, etc.
  6. Remote controlled home appliances – get maximum comfort at home and office.
  7. Microcontroller based voting machine – great project for science exhibition and competitions
  8. Microcontroller based vehicle speed measurement system – measure the velocity of a moving object with great accuracy
  9. Automatic dam shutter open-close system – great project for science exhibitions and competitions
  10. Scrolling message on LCD display – create simple and effect notice board for school/college applications. Just type the notice on a keyboard and display it on LCD display.
  11. LDR based power saver for street lights – control the streets during evening and switch them off, automatically during morning.
  12. Automatic light/fan/AC controlling system for a room – automatically switch on/off the appliances when a person enters or leaves the room.
  13. Motion detection security system for intruder – secure your house, shop, office, business place with this simple but guaranteed system
  14. Automatic garden plants watering system – forget the boring work of watering plans daily. This circuit will automatically work for you 24/7.
  15. Remote controlled garage door opener – opens and closes the garage door from your your car. No need to stop the car and open/close the door by boarding out of your car.
  16. Automatic basin tap controller to save water wastage – avoid the wastage of water
  17. Microcontroller based automatic traffic light controlling system – highly advanced system for any type of roads combinations like 3 roads, 4-5 roads, etc.
  18. Alcohol detection system for drink and drive situation alert – avoid the driver of the car to drive it, if he is drunk
  19. Automatic braking system for cars – detects the obstacle in front of the car and applies the brakes of car to avoid accidents.
  20. U-turn accident avoiding system in mountainous areas – avoid accidents in sharp turns
  21. Zone detection system in public transport buses – displays the area details from where the bus is passing through.
  22. Automatic railway management system – avoids the accidents in railway tracks on railway track crossing.
  23. Thumb based security system – secure your home, office, business place which will open its door only with your own thumb
  24. GSM based tracking system – track your child’s presence on a geographical area
  25. Automatic robotic arm – lifts an object from one place and place it at another place.

We have still lots of projects constructed and successfully tested at Vidyasagar Academy laboratory.

Please contact us for your special innovative project. We will help you build it by providing complete guidance.

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