Basic tutorials De Morgan Theorems

Understanding De Morgan’s Theorems is very easy. If you learn them step-by-step, then you can grasp the complete understanding of the theorems.

It is an important tool in solving the complicated logical equations while analyzing the logical circuits. There are two theorems of De Morgan. They are known as theorem #1 and theorem #2. The sequence of these theorems may change, but the basic idea of both the theorems remains the same.

First theorem

Definition: It states that the complement of product is equal to the sum of the complements.

Now observe all the four combination of this theorem in the simulated circuits given below. Keep the notes of Digital Electronics, written by Vidyasagar Sir with you while observing the circuits and watching the video.

Note: The Green indicators indicate logic-0 condition and the Red indicators indicate logic-1 condition.

Second theorem

Definition: It states that the complement of sum is equal to the product of the complements.

Now observe all the four combination of this theorem in the simulated circuits given below. Keep the notes of Digital Electronics, written by Vidyasagar Sir with you while observing the circuits and watching the video.

Note: The Green indicators indicate logic-0 condition and the Red indicators indicate logic-1 condition.

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