Robotics Study Club Competition at Bal Shivaji School

There will be Robotics Study Club Competition at Bal Shivaji school, to be conducted by Vidyasagar Academy on 10th Feb. 2017 at 10AM sharp. You are given with the task of BLFR with crossed track.

Rules Bal Shivaji Competition

  1. Your robot should be preloaded with the relevant program as per the given task.
  2. The robot which will follow the track in shortest time without any errors will be declared as the award winner robot.
  3. There is only one prize i.e. First Rank prize in this competition.


  1. Get you robot batteries fully charged on the competition day.
  2. Check the status of the IR sensors properly.
  3. If you have any difficulty about the hardware issues of your robot, contact Vidyasagar Sir or Yash Vidyasagar, immediately.

Wish you all the best…!

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