12th Electronics Open Book Tests for Perfect Preparation

Vidyasagar Academy believes that if a student takes this “12th Electronics Open Book Tests for Perfect Preparation“, then he must score more than 80% marks in HSC Board examination of Electronics subject.

The questions asked in this open book tests are difficult. All the questions are are designed in such a way, that even if the notes and books are infront of the student, he/she has read the relevant topic first, create systematic answer and then write it down.

We have tested this open book test methodology on many students and got great results. Students are compelled to refer to the notes supplied by us and this makes them understand the contents of the notes, scope & limitations of the subject.

So we encourage the students as well as teachers to conduct these open book tests at their colleges and classes.

Objectives of open book tests

  1. Making familiar with the syllabus, scope and limitations of the subject
  2. Compelling to refer to the notes and books
  3. Compelling the student to read the relevant topics from start to end
  4. Encouraging the student to find correct answer for the given type of question from the notes
  5. Encouraging the student to draw neat circuit diagrams
  6. Solving the open book tests help in great preparation for HSC Board examination papers

Outcome of open book tests

Since these open book tests are designed by Vidyasagar Sir, with his great experience in the subject, we observed some surprising results and outcome of these open book tests.

  1. The student learns the sequence of chapters in each paper
  2. The student understands the internal topic-wise contents of the chapters
  3. The concept of student about relevancy in description of the topic and its circuit diagram builds up
  4. The student becomes familiar with the art of drawing circuits – neatly and correctly!
  5. The interest of the student in this subject builds up and he starts asking difficulties during the preparation

So with this discussion, we feel that all the students and teachers will take it really seriously and act upon it for getting brilliant results.

Wish you all the best…!

Download open book test papers

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Complete Notes set of 12th electronics

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