Intelligent robot following diverted track with combinations

This is the FIFTEENTH PROGRAM in your course of FUNDAMENTALS OF ROBOTICS. To use this program, you must use our robotics kit already supplied to you.

If you do not have this kit, then you can purchase our distance learning programme in robotics or contact us to join our regular batches of robotics.

Now read the following program carefully and work as per the given instructions, to enjoy your FIRST COURSE in robotics.

To use this program directly for your robotic kit, copy it, create new project in AVR Studio and then paste it into the coding area. Then compile it. OR ELSE, DESIGN YOUR OWN, BY REFERRING TO THIS PROGRAM.

Crossover black line following robotic track
	Applicable to ATMega8/16/32/128
	1) The 2 motors in your kit, are connected to PB4-PB1, as follows:
	   Left motor:  PB4 -> (+) and PB3 -> (-)
	   Right motor: PB1 -> (+) and PB1 -> (-)
	2) Connect the 2 sensors to PC3 & PC0 in your kit.
	   Connect LEFT SENSOR to PC3 and RIGHT SENSOR to PC0
#define F_CPU 1200000UL // defining clock frequency for accurate delay
#include <avr/io.h> // includes input/output header file     
#include <util/delay.h> // includes delay header file  
int main(void)
	DDRB=0b00011110; //PORTB as output Port connected to motors
	DDRC=0b0000000; //PORTC Input port connected to Sensors
	int LS=0, RS=0;
	int counter=1; // a counter is initiated at ‘1’
		while(1) // infinite loop
     LS=PINC&0b0001000; // masking PC3 to receive left sensor status
     RS=PINC&0b0000001; // masking PC0 to receive right sensor status
 	{ // simple BLFR code starts

	if((LS==0b0001000) & (RS==0b0000001)) // both sensors ON
				PORTB=0b00010010; // move forward
				PORTB=0b00010000; // turn right
				PORTB=0b00000010; // turn left

	} // simple BLFR code completed

	if((LS==0b0000000)&(RS==0b0000000)&(counter==1)) // both sensors OFF
				PORTB=0b00000000; // stop
				PORTB=0b00010000; // turn right
				counter++; // here value of counter=2
				LS=172;  // random values stored

	if((LS==0b0000000)&(RS==0b0000000)&(counter==2)) // both sensors OFF
				PORTB=0b00000000; // stop
				PORTB=0b00010000; // turn right
				counter++; // here value of counter=3
				RS=177; // random values stored						

	if((LS==0b0000000)&(RS==0b0000000)&(counter==3)) // both sensors OFF
				PORTB=0b00000000; // stop
				PORTB=0b00000010; // turn left
				counter++; // counter=4

	if((LS==0b0000000)&(RS==0b0000000)&(counter==4)) // both sensors OFF
				PORTB=0b00000000; // stop
				PORTB=0b00010010; // move forward
				counter++; // counter=5
				RS=196; // random values stored						

	if((LS==0b0000000)&(LS==0b0000000)&(counter==5)) // both sensors OFF
				PORTB=0b00000000; // stop

 		} // while closed

	} // main closed

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