12th electronics projects (Editable project reports in MS Word)

According to the HSC board rules and regulations, you have to submit a project in 12th standard electronics, which carries 40 marks. Read more about the complete marking scheme of 12th electronics, on this link.

– Dattaraj Vidyasagar

Click here to visit the Google drive folder of all editable project reports.

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8 thoughts on “12th electronics projects (Editable project reports in MS Word)

      1. Thanks for pointing out the problem.

        ​We corrected the problem and now you can download.​

        Thanks for visiting and keep posting. Have you visited the NOTICE BOARD on home page?


  1. Sure success question papers of XII electronics – the link is not working. Please fix. Appreciate your work a lot BTW!


    1. Dear Sudhanshu,
      The download link is there on this page itself. We tried it. Its working. Please click on the “Download” as shown in the following image.
      Since it is zipped file, if you are downloading from a smart phone, then it may not work, as some smart phones do not accept zipped file.


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