5 common myths about bifocal vocational electronics

As I already explained in my previous post about the facts of bifocal vocational electronics, now I must give answers about the 5 common myths which I always heard about, from number of students, parents – in particular and common people.

– Dattaraj Vidyasagar
  • The first myth about bifocal electronics is: “It is a very tough subject and requires lots of study”.

To cross this point, let me tell you no subject on earth is easy! Every subject requires detailed and good enough study to understand it properly and to get good enough marks in the examination. On the contrary, I dare say that it can be a fun to learn electronics. Because it contains most interesting practical experiments and you can obtain wonderful results while studying the subject. So I think, when a student starts learning it, within a couple of days, he really starts liking it…!

  • I don’t want to become a mechanic and repair electronics equipments like TVs, Cameras, etc. by learning this subject.

This is perhaps the greatest myths of all! Who the hell create such nonsense things viral, that I don’t know, but what is the connection between becoming a mechanic to repair electronics things by learning this subject. I have been teaching this subject since last 30 years or so. Naturally, me too, learnt bifocal vocational electronics when I was in XII std. But I didn’t become a mechanic…! I became a teacher (and a research student) of electronics and now robotics and computer science, as well! Know about me here and then anybody dare say again this myth is correct! My God, this myth is actually so absurd that I become speechless for a while, whenever some knowledgeable(?), parents in particular, just fire such baseless statements in front of me. When I cross-question them on this point, then they say, that they just heard something like that from somebody and bla, bla, bla….! Believe me my friends, learning this subject has nothing to do to become only a mechanic. It is such a beautiful subject through which a student can become a great scientist of nanotechnology, micro electronics; become a research fellow, do wonders in the current era of industrial automation. By the way, do you know that the hardware of computer is nothing but ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS??? Every automated thing in this modern world is being run only because of electronics….!

  • A student who learns in 11th & 12th bifocal vocational electronics, cannot take admission in other branches of engineering, except electronics.

This myth is entirely false and baseless and generally done by over smart people who just don’t know anything about the current education system of India. All the existing branches of engineering are fully open to take admission after passing 12th standard bifocal vocational electronics. Such student is quite eligible to take admission to any branch of engineering, any branch of pure sciences, any branch of applied sciences, etc.

  • Bifocal computer science is simple than electronics…!

On the contrary, electronics is more simple than computer science. First of all, the subject of electronics is much more related to the mandatory topics of Semiconductor Physics, which the student must learn in his compulsory subject of Physics. So while studying electronics, about 10% of his Physics syllabus is covered through this subject. Secondly, unlike computer science, this subject has more practical approach. So the student has lots of opportunities to learn the subject by the approach of “LEARNING BY DOING”. So if the student, sincerely does the practicals in electronics, he indirectly completes almost 70% of the syllabus of this subject, conceptually. And finally, the marks of your Chemistry subject can be replaced by the marks of this subject, while taking admission in engineering college. It means that you can compensate your percentage of marks to secure admission in good branch of engineering.

  • I can pass this subject without studying the theory of it, because my college people told me that you will surely get 100 marks in practical examination from them.

This could be or couldn’t be a myth. But it is sure that it is the tragedy of current educational strategy. Many teachers misguide the students in this way and the immature student becomes the victim of this temptation. He thinks that since I am getting 50% marks (this subject is of 200 marks – know more about its marking schemeeffortlessly, why should I learn the theory of this subject. But my dear friend, when you pass this subject and the 12th standard as well and when you go for any engineering branch, you again come across the syllabus of this subject. Remember, every engineering branch has some common study of basic and applied electronics subjects – as a whole! Here I must tell you that many of my students who pass through this subject and go for engineering give me feedback every year that “IF WE HAD LEARNT THIS SUBJECT PROPERLY IN 12TH STD, THEN HERE IN FIRST AND SECOND YEAR OF ENGINEERING IT WOULD HAVE BEEN QUITE EASY FOR US TO PREPARE THE ELECTRONICS RELATED SUBJECTS AND ACHIEVE GOOD RANK IN ENGINEERING…!”

So friends, don’t get misguided by anyone who tells you that this subject is not important. Remember, the whole world is running on and developing on electronics. If you take electronics aways from this world, there would be left nothing but silence….!

  1. Bifocal vocational electronics: an important subject for your applied career
  2. Must Do Facts for 12th Vocational Electronics Students
  3. What is the meaning of Bifocal term in vocational courses? What are the advantages of these courses?
  4. 12th Electronics HSC Board marking scheme details
Complete Notes set of 12th electronics

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