Must Do Facts for 12th Vocational Electronics Students

Hemant Satpute, a teacher of vocational electronics (having a long experience in this field) in Fergusson College, Pune; guides the vocational electronics students on How to achieve best possible success in March 2014 HSC Board Examination. His factual analysis and suggestions are really worth to note…!

– Vidyasagar Academy

Now this is a time you all have fully prepared to take your HSC Board Examination and waiting for the third bell to ring. Before you actually start writing your final papers, here are some final points which I personally feel that each one of you must keep in mind and write the answers to the question papers nicely, neatly, clearly and confidently so that the examiners will have no other choice but to shower on you, the marks which you have expected in your minds to obtain in the examination. Here is a list of these points.

  1. Stop your preparation or LMR (Last Minute Revision) at the instant when you start your journey towards the examination center and leave your house for the same.
  2. Do not carry any books, study material, notes and mobile phones along with you in the examination center.
  3. Do not read the pages of the books, notes while you are travelling along with your parents.
  4. As these things are often proved to be useless, which will help only to increase an anxiety and lose your confidence.
  5. Instead let me suggest that you must study for the examination till the last night before the day of the examination.
  6. Go to bed early in the night. Take a cool and calm slip of about 8 to 10 hours in the night.
  7. Wake up at around 6 AM in the morning on the first day of the examination.
  8. Do your regular meditation, breakfast and morning activities as per your normal routine.
  9. Take a bath and be ready for the departure towards the examination center.
  10. If you have few minutes left for the departure, just sit quietly at one place. Close your eyes. Start recalling the important points in the chapters of the concerned subject in mind sequentially one by one.
  11. Remember at this time, you do not have to refer to any book nor ask your friend or your parents about any doubt in the subject. This is the time to digest and recall the points which your brain has accumulated and stored in it.
  12. Make sure that you have taken the necessary writing material, log table, your Hall ticket, the original copy, college Identity card, College Hand Book, a compass box and a water bottle along with you.
  13. When you enter in the examination hall, find your sitting place by locating your seat number (which is usually written or put on the benches).
  14. Occupy the place. Make yourself comfortable at the allotted place. And pay attention to the instructions given by the invigilator’s instructions carefully as you need to follow each and every instruction strictly and in order.
  15. Maintain silence in the examination hall. Do not chat or talk with your friends in the hall.
  16. Once you get the answer book, first check that it is clean, intact and in one piece.
  17. Read all the instructions printed on the answer sheet carefully one by one.
  18. Check all the pages of the answer sheet with respect to the page numbers and line printing. If found some errors, then gently bring it to the notice of the invigilator and get a replacement.
  19. Fill up all the details on the answer sheet completely.
  20. Once you receive the question paper, first of all write your examination seat number on the place marked on the question paper.
  21. Now you need to read the question paper quietly, completely and cautiously.
  22. Hence forth, you are not going to write anything on question paper nor going to mark the questions which you will be answering.
  23. Now start answering the questions. Here you need to remember that you can start answering questions in any order. You may start, for example, from question 5, the last question in the question paper.
  24. Write answers to all the sub questions of this question together at one place.
  25. Now you may choose question 2 to answer. Write answers to all the sub questions of this question together at one place. Then proceed for other question in the order of your choice, say Q3, Q1 and finally Q4.
  26. Start answering new question on a new page. This will help the examiner to count the marks obtained by you easier and also it will save his / her time while totaling your final marks.
  27. Write question number properly as given in question paper.
  28. Do not write answers in essay format but write you answer point wise. So that it will help the examiner to read each and every line of your answer and then easily allot the necessary marks as instructed in the model answer of the question paper, while correcting your papers.
  29. Highlight or underline important points / words / lines / numbers in your answer.
  30. Draw diagrams wherever necessary with pencil only. No ink diagrams.
  31. Label each diagram.
  32. Write explicitly the notations or symbols used by you while answering.
  33. Do not assume that the examiner knows or has a prior or background knowledge about it.
  34. For each numerical, write your answer in a following sequence. Given, To Find, Formula.
  35. Then make proper substitution of numbers in place of symbols or variable used.
  36. Then do the necessary calculations. Use log tables wherever necessary. (These will be provided to you in the examination hall by the invigilator on your request or demand)
  37. Show all log calculations, in detail, on the same page, adjacent to the answer of the numerical.
  38. For each numerical, write the final answer in words as asked in the question paper.
  39. If you need a supplement, then gently request for or demand for it to the invigilator.
  40. Once you receive the supplement from the invigilator, then immediately fill up all the necessary details marked on it.
  41. Then take a signature of the invigilator on the supplement without fail.
  42. If you take more than one supplements, then number them properly.
  43. At the end, when you finish writing answers of all the questions completely, then tie up the supplements with a thread (which can be obtained from the invigilator in the examination hall)
  44. On the main answer sheet, write the number of supplements connected / tied / used and the total number of supplements submitted including the main answer sheet.

These were few general instructions or guidelines to you. Now let me tell you some points related to Vocational Electronics (C2) paper.

  1. While converting numbers from one number system into another, show entire conversion steps, one below other explicitly.
  2. For Double Dabble method or Hex Dabble method write down the procedure of conversion for integers and fractions separately but point wise, followed by one example of each.
  3. For simplifying logic equations, using rules of Boolean Algebra, give reasons for each step.
  4. While answering questions on Multiplexer, DeMultiplexer, Encoder & Decoder, write down all the necessary &correct logic equations for the outputs of all the logic gates, shown in the diagram.
  5. While answering questions on DeMorgan’s laws use the following sequence: Verbal Statement of the law, Mathematical equation of the law, Truth table for LHS and RHS and finally the gate equivalence diagrams. (OR in other words, draw the gates corresponding to LHS and RHS of each theorem with an equivalence sign (º) in between them.)
  6. While drawing diagrams for DAC, mention LSB and MSB clearly.
  7. While drawing TTL & CMOS logic gate circuit diagrams, draw the symbols of BJT and MOSFETs properly, neatly and clearly.
  8. While drawing timing diagrams for Flip-Flops, Counters and Shift Registers, mark the edges (positive or negative) of the clock on which the transition of states occurs or takes place.
  9. Your block diagram for Flip-Flops, Counters and Shift Registers must be consistent with the timing diagrams. i.e. when you mark negative (positive) edges on the clock waveform, then in the block diagram, you must show all the Flip Flops, by drawing the symbols of negative (positive) edge triggered Flip Flops.
  10. Write answers relevant to only the required and necessary points which are asked in the question. Do not write unnecessary sentences or informative information which is not asked in the question.
  11. While drawing block diagrams for communication systems, CRO, Half Adder, Full Adder, Binary Adders, UP – Down Counters, Controlled inverter, implementation of Boolean equations using MUX or DeMux and many more, remember to write / give caption or label for thediagram drawn. Write explicitly as “Block diagram of ……..” or “Circuit diagram of ……”
  12. Make a chapter wise detailed list of diagrams given in your text book or notes you are referring to same as the list of important formulae in each chapter you often make.
  13. See this list at least once during a revision process, then at the end of revision, close your eyes, and ask your brain to recall each diagram with all the included details.
  14. Repeat this as many number of times as you can and then observe its positive result in the examination.

Let me assume that, you will consider these guidelines Seriously, Sincerely, Carefully and Implement Good Practices while writing answers to the questions in the examination.

You can also learn about “Ten important facts that you must know about bifocal vocational electronics“.

Download 12th electronics complete notes

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